Arapahoe Wrestling Update- 10/24/21

24 Oct 2021 by Steve Sisler


Though the official CHSAA Wrestling Season is about 3 weeks away, which means it is right around the corner!

Please plan on attending an informational meeting at Arapahoe High School in the Forum on November 2nd in preparation for the upcoming season. We will start at 6:07 pm. (Heads up- It is election night but it is the only reasonable night I could reserve the Forum).

Additionally, I wanted to send out a few items that need attention.

Pre-Season Wrestling Camp- November 8-11th
We will have our pre-season camp beginning November 8th. The goal of the camp is to provide an orientation to our team and procedures. All wrestlers that are not actively involved in a fall athletic team should make plans on attending the camp. Please let me know if you have any conflicts (equipment turn in, banquets, etc.) so we can plan accordingly. Practices will be from 3:57-5:27 pm.

Please fill out the Updated Booster Registration Form. This helps us with Booster Club items like contact information, volunteer opportunities, and fees (some early birds filled out last year’s form).

2021-22 Arapahoe Booster Club Registration Form

Please make sure you register with the Arapahoe Athletic Department. Follow this link.

Registration Link

We are going to be using TeamAPP again this year. If you haven’t already, please download the app. Our Name is Arap Grapplers


Arapahoe Wrestling Swag

We are anticipating the Team Store opening up later today, or early tomorrow. I will send a follow up email with the link to the store as soon as I get it. It will also be on the website once we get it. We are trying to do a quick order, ending November 1st, and then reopening for late orders.

Pre-Season Workouts

We will be working out twice this week. Please bring a water bottle and a mask (when not wrestling, ie. using the restroom, getting a drink, etc.).

10/25- 3:47 pm in the Weight Room- Workouts will be posted as Coach Dollaghan is the supervisor for the school on MWF. (Unfortunately, my daughter has soccer games rescheduled for Monday & Wednesday this week).
10/27- 3:47 pm in the Weight Room

It’s A Great Day To Be A Warrior!